Sunday, April 17, 2011

Zaggmate Bluetooth iPad Keyboard For The iPad 2 Review

Having been a keen user of the original Zaggmate bluetooth iPad keyboard, I was excited to see whether the new iPad 2 model would keep up the high quality standard.

When you are using your iPad primarily for typing purposes, it soon becomes prevalent that the touchscreen keyboard cannot keep up with you once you hit a certain speed. This is the reason many iPad users look into wireless keyboards, which is exactly the reason why I first purchased the Zaggmate bluetooth iPad keyboard.

Since I use my iPad 2 at work, it was necessary to have a keyboard that would keep up with my fluent typing speed when typing out lengthy emails or meeting notes. The problem was, when I was trying to type as quickly as I do on my laptop with the iPad touchscreen, I was making countless spelling errors and finding hundreds of auto-corrections that made no sense.

Naturally, I could always just turn the auto-correct feature off, but even when I did that, I was still finding that I'd missed out a few letters here and there. After having to proof read and rewrite so many documents, I decided that enough was enough.

After many hours of reading reviews and product synopsis', I bought the Zaggmate bluetooth iPad keyboard for the iPad 2, but how well did it perform?

Well, firstly, the keyboard was a fantastic bonus to my typing capability. By simply having that physical keyboard in front of me, I was able to improve my precision by ensuring I'd actually hit the key I meant to hit, instead of just playing the guessing game and having to spend a half hour correcting the errors after each document. The keys are firm and responsive, which allow me to blitz through a 5 page document with ease.

On top of this, the keyboard is incorporated into the iPad case itself, which means that you can easily slide and store them both within the case, meaning that you won't need to be carrying around two separate accessories at all times. This is a real bonus for those of you that need to be able to take their iPad 2 case on the go with them and don't have too much room in your rucksack.

The iPad 2 case itself is made out of strong aluminium, which means that you'll have no worries about your iPad 2 getting damaged whatsoever. Being aluminium, you'll also enjoy how lightweight the overall weight of the device is. In addition, the case only adds a mere 0.25 inches to the size of your tablet, so if you don't want one of those big, bulky leather iPad 2 cases, then this is absolutely ideal.

Therefore, if you're looking for a bluetooth iPad keyboard for the iPad 2 that can cope with heavy typing and keep your tablet safe on those rough journeys on the train, the Zaggmate is perfect.

Like the sound of the Zaggmate bluetooth iPad keyboard for the iPad 2? Then pick it up from iPadbeans where you'll find the lowest prices on the Zaggmate bluetooth iPad keyboard and all other iPad 2 accessories.

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