Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to Sync Your iPad With MobileMe

Apple's MobileMe is a cloud service created to allow end users to sync all their important data - your e-mail, contacts, calendars, and bookmarks with multiple devices. To enable this service on the iPad, follow the steps below. Mobileme iPad How to sync your iPad with MobileMe

The first step is to set up your MobileMe account on your iPad:

1. To open the settings screen, Touch "Settings" on the Home Screen.

2. Touch "Mail, Contacts, Calendars". The" Mail, Contacts, Calendars screen" opens.

3. Touch "Add Account". The Add Account screen launches.

4. Touch "MobileMe". Your iPad should now display the "Mobile Me" screen

5. Touch the Name text box, and enter your name.

6. Touch the Address text box, and enter your MobileMe e-mail address.

7. Touch the Password text box, and enter your MobileMe password.

8. Touch Next. Your iPad will now verify your account with MobileMe.

9. Leave the Mail switch set to" On" if you want to use push email

10. To use push contacts, Touch the Contacts switch to On and then Touch "Sync".

11. To use push calendars, Touch the Calendars switch to On and then Touch "Sync".

12. To use push bookmarks, Touch the Bookmarks switch to On and then Touch "Sync".

13. Touch Save. Your iPad returns you to the Mail settings screen with your MobileMe account added to the Accounts list.

Setting up MobileMe synchronization on your iPad

The iPad can automatically sync your data and this feature is called "push." It comes turned on when you first receive your iPad but you have the option to adjust the settings or turn it off. Follow the steps below to configure push settings..

1. Touch "Settings" on the Home Screen.

2. Touch "Mail, Contacts, Calendars".

3. Touch "Fetch New Data". Your iPad displays the Fetch New Data screen.

4. Touch the Push switch to "On." If you want MobileMe data sent to you automatically.

5. If your iPad includes applications that don't support push or your turn push "off." You can set how often the iPad retrieves new Data. Choose the interval you would like or choose manually

John Noel has been a Apple user and technology expert for over a decade. He is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley holding a Masters in Computer Science. Come visit his website at http://www.myappworld.com/ which helps people use their iPad with tutorials and "how to guides" such as syncing iPad MobileMe as well as the latest Apple products, apps, and iPad accessories.

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