Saturday, March 19, 2011

10 Reasons Why the iPad Will Change Computing Forever

So the iPad has landed now amongst us mere mortals and is being hyped to the heavens by the "weberatti" or slagged off as just another fad or gimmick by those that don't get it or get paid for playing up to those that really don't get it (step forward at least one old and lame US late night chat show host).

The fact is that the real target market for the iPad is actually those that "really don't get it".

The "weberatti" don't NEED an iPad. They WANT an iPad but they really don't need one.

The most intelligent of them see the iPad as a new and essential piece of the puzzle of bringing ubiquitous content delivery to the masses.

They see the device as an opportunity to both make money and as a revolution in online access which, when coupled with Facebook and other social media platforms, will significantly broaden their potential market.

Take My Family - No, Please, Really, Take Them !

Let's do it chronologically starting off with the first humans I got to know really well. My parents.

My personal "lighbulb over the head" moment happened when I introduced my iPhone to my parents (both retired).

I then told them there was a bigger version of this thing coming out soon and that it would sell for well under a $1000 dollars.

My parents have a PC and a laptop and a home network but I have never quite been able to get them to understand the concept of files, directories, right clicking and left clicking etc.

They can get a browser started and surf the net, play a few games and such but they really remain afraid of the technology and breaking the computer.

After having a play with the iPhone and seeing an iPad on the Internet they wanted one straight away. They are now bugging me to know when they can purchase one in Australia.

Why ?

It's insanely simple to operate. It does exactly what they need it to do and no more.

They do not want to run multiple applications across multiple screens. They do not want to edit video or develop websites.

They just want to check email, play simple games, surf the net, access Facebook and look at photographs and watch videos online.

And they want to do all this from wherever they are in the house, especially whilst sitting in front of the TV or at the kitchen table.

My wife OPERATES a PC as well, however, she USES an iPhone. She sits in front of the TV for hours of an evening playing games on the iPhone.

Diana also likes women's magazines, puzzle magazines and sudoku. Not an uncommon thing for millions of people in the western world.

The iPad is exceptionally suited for magazines, puzzles and games. No time to start up, easy pick up and hold, nice clear screen, operation by touch. It has it all and some more besides.

My daughter loves her iPhone and Facebook. Her social circle keep informed of what is happening and where they are going of an evening and who is doing what to whom.

YouTube also gets a run out with various viral videos and even TV programs that haven't made our shores as well and, of course, music.

The iPad will do all of this better than an iPhone and, as most of it is also performed at home in front of the TV or in her room, it is the perfect size, functionality and price to be the device of choice.

So To The List of 10 Reasons Why The iPad will Change Computing Forever

The iPad is super simple to use - no startup, no directories, no complications whatsoever
The iPad is the perfect size - big enough to REALLY enjoy the content, small enough to place on your lap whilst watching TV or on the bus or train
The iPad is portable - nothing to connect, no mouse, no cables. Buy one, take it home, unpack it, use it.
The iPad is multi-functional - web browsing, video, social media, games, magazines, books.
The iPad has a whole heap of really useful applications already available for it before its actual release and more released every hour.
iPad applications are in the main really inexpensive. People don't mind paying $5 to $10 for a game. It is a disposable amount. And they can get them delivered NOW !
iPad applications are really easy to find, download and activate. Nothing in the PC or Mac world comes near this level of usability and flexibility.
The iPad supports eBooks and online magazines. You will be able to get anything you want from anywhere around the world soon. This will kill your local newsagency.
The iPad is the perfect social media tool. Social media is here to stay. Facebook is a phenomenon. The iPad is THE perfect Facebook interface. No contest.
The iPad is the new personal TV. YouTube and a host of others deliver the content you choose straight to your iPad whether you are on the couch in bed or on the John.
Oh yes, a bonus point - it's less than a $1000 - and even cheaper in the land of the yanks.

Do You Get It Yet ?

The goalposts have moved.

The iPad is as important as the PC was in the 1980s.

It is not a matter of the technology. The technology is totally irrelevant.

The iPad has ushered in the next phase of personal computing - no, that's not quite right - the next phase of personal entertainment and connection.

Nothing will ever be the same again.

Kirk O'Connor from onlineassist4u is totally absorbed with the task of educating small business to take control of their online marketing

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